"Wagashi inspired by SOU・SOU's original textile design" in Heisei 27; the theme of this year is vegetables. We are going to release pop textile designs in the motif of vegetables for all four season. Of course, we are using seasonal vegetables in ingredients. We hope you enjoy "vegetable wagashi" made by "SOU・SOU × Kameya Yoshinaga".

"Textile Name:Ama-tougarashi"
Normally it is called paprika. Although it is one of the tougarashi (capsicum), it's thick, and sweet taste not spicy. Red, orange, yellow and green. It is fun to just see. When you eat it in a hot day, it gives you vital with its light crunchy texture and modest sweetness.

June Textile design is ama-tougarashi (paprika). They are designed in the motif of the flower not fruit. It has a rich paste made of paprika and butter, and some chopped honey-soaked paprika are mixed with it to add texture. The unique paprika's flavor go great with sourness, so sweet-sour goji berries are added to achieve a balance.


〒604-8042 京都市中京区中之町565-72P-91ビル B1F
12:00~20:00 ※19:00ラストオーダー
At Zaifu, we serve a cup of green matcha tea (or choice of coffee) and our wagashi based on our textile design.

Address: 565-72 B1F Nakano-cho Nakagyo-ku Kyoto 604-8042
Open 12:00-20:00 *19:00 last order
Phone +81 (75) 221-0604
Open everyday

菓匠会会員 /百味會会員
京都菓子司 亀屋良長

〒600-8498 京都市下京区四条通堀川東入ル(醒ヶ井角)

The KAMEYA YOSHINAGA store descended from the famous confectionary Kameya Yoshian, that has the reputation of being one of the best Kyoto gourmet locales and it's fame reaches back to the Edo period when the store was first opened in 1803. Since then they've been in business in Sijo Samegai area in Kyoto till now. The owner of the store is the 7th generation.

Address: Horikawa Higashi-iru (Samegai-kado) , Shijo-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8498
Phone +81 (75) 221-2005
Open 9:00-18:00 Open everyday