February's textile design is kujo-negi which is one of traditional vegetables grown up in Kyoto. It is said to have begun around early Heian period(794-1185) when it was cultivated around Kujo village (currently Kujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto city). The dough is called "fu no yaki "which is made of white sweetened bean paste, sticky rice powder, flour, sesame and kujo negi mixed and burned. White miso paste(fermented soybean paste) is spread on it and roll up and cut diagonally to make it look like negi (green onion). Dark miso mixed with honey to smoothen is put on it thinly, the "良" mark (yoshi) of the Kameya Yoshinaga is branded.
The aroma of the negi and sweetness of miso go great together when you sprinkle sansyo, Japanese pepper ( made by Shichimi-ya Honpo in Kyoto) on it.