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一日一絵 / SOU・SOUのテキスタイルデザイナー脇阪克二からの便り

令和6年03月16日 土曜日号

  • Hello,
    May I know if these flower pictures are painted on paper or printed on fabric? How big are they ?
    Thank you
    I am I interested in hanging them as pictures on my wall.
    Thank you
    Regards Jesmin

    Jesmin Lim 令和6年03月17日 17:25:35
    • Dear Regards Jesmin,

      Thank you for your message.

      The postcard is currently just one of the postcard works of our designer,
      and has not been developed into any merchandise for sale.
      We are very sorry that we cannot meet your expectations.
      We may have the opportunity to use this pattern to make products in the future.
      Thank you for your attention.

      If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us.
      Best regards,

      (新珏) 令和6年03月18日 16:34:11
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