今日のお客様 / SOU・SOU各店にご来店頂いているお客様の紹介
今日のお客様はイギリスからお越しのJake Bewsher 様とMaya Bewsher 様です。
(右)Jake Bewsher 様
■衿巻ジバン/flying elephants 濡羽色 Lサイズ 7,992円(税込)
■ ジャカール 宮中袖 短衣 袷/万波 深紺靄(まんぱ しんこんもや) Lサイズ 26,784円(税込)
■阿弥宮中裾/濡羽斑×鳶 XLサイズ 18,144円(税込)
■貼付地下足袋/さしこ 黒 27センチ 8,640円(税込)
(左)Maya Bewsher 様
■抜衿ジバン 違い袖 三◯単(さんまるたん)/濃紺×杢墨(のうこん×もくずみ) 女Lサイズ 5,508円(税込)
■綿麻混 みたて衣/南天竹 女Lサイズ 18,144円(税込)
■アンゴラ小手(こて)/黄土色(おうどいろ) 1,836円(税込)
■ 股付5枚足袋/東山三十六峰(ひがしやまさんじゅうろっぽう) 26センチ 8,640円(税込)
Maya様も「雲間に菊」柄のジャカール 宮中袖 短衣 袷をお買い上げくださり、その場で着用!!
Today's customers were the Bewsher twins from the Peak District near Manchester, England.
They bought all different styles of men's and women's clothes then even came back the next day to purchase same style of Haori coats. This is exactly in the twin's style so I was so glad to help them find this signature piece! We spoke about fashion and Japan, and they told me how much they love visiting here.
Jake and Maya, I really enjoyed spending time with you guys! Thank you for your cooperation and please enjoy the rest of your stay in Japan.
Jake, I hope your first trip to Japan was filled with wonderful, lasting memories!
Maya, we are looking forward to your fourth visit!