SOU・SOU Diary /Staff's Diaries
"Nice to meet you / Yuki Elena"
Nice to meet you! My name is Elena Yuki, who has been a member of the SOU・SOU staff since November.
It is a pure Japanese from Tokyo.
So, let me introduce ourselves as a regular newcomer.
What I like is reading, watching movies, cats and chocolate. Summer is my weak point! It is Indoor school of Bali Bali · · ·
By the way yesterday was an adult day, I became 20 years old, I was able to welcome adults safely!
It is different from my birthday, I feel it somehow special day.
This is what I took in front in the summer.
I regret not being a SOU・SOU Kimono
I received flowers as a coming of age Celebration, so I arranged them using a tenugui cloth.
This was the first time that I got flowers personally and I was excited!
Those who are me, thank you very much.

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