Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
"Pumpkin 2015"
Pumpkin is one of the typical autumn tastes.
Now I have a Hello.
It is in the limelight in autumn.
Such a big and delicious one
It is possible to do with soil, water, sun ...
No wonder whatever.
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Pumpkins (2015, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Pumpkin is one of the fruits that can represent the autumn delicacies.
It comes into the spotlight in autumn
because Halloween is getting more popular these days.
It is so amazing that these big and tasty pumpkins
can be grown only with soil, water and sun...
| English translation by Karen Yiu |
Citrouille (2015 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
La citrouille est un fruit qui représente bien l’automne.
Maintenant, il y aussi Halloween
Qui le met à l’honneur pendant cette saison.
N’avoir besoin que de la terre, de l’eau et du soleil
pour produire cette grosse chose aussi délicieuse
est quelque chose de très mystérieux.
| Traduction francaise by JB&B |
Pumpkin (2015, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Pumpkin is the representative flavor of autumn.
The current trend of the Mansho Festival
The envoy was present at the Autumn Heaven.
Delicious ingredients like this
Just need soil, water, sunlight for effective growth
The truth is mysterious
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
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