SOU・SOU Diary /Staff's Diaries
"Whimsical Folk Crafts/Hiroya Tsukahara"
Ah, somewhere in Japan there is a plate waiting for me.
Hello, I'm Tsukahara from Aoyama store, and I'm from Fukushima.
Worn items
Isemomen Cotton 20/20 Linen-blend Samue Worker Jacket / BlackXL Size
・ Backpack / MBP Black x Black
The temperatures are summer yet it feels like autumn, so I wish they would stop soon, but Up and Down everyone doing?
As soon as I wrote this, autumn suddenly appeared, and I thought to myself, I wish she would read the situation a little better, so I'm adding this comment.
Meanwhile, some of you may have already started talking about the annual "Autumn of XX" in your conversations.
On a whim, I was thinking about turning my attention to a new field called "Autumn Folk Art."
I immediately went to Bingoya in Wakamatsucho, Shinjuku.
This is a shop that sells various folk crafts from all over the country, including tableware and toys.
There was a wide variety of the rice bowls I was looking for, but I couldn't find the size I wanted, so I looked around the store and was about to go home.
They were just ordinary chopsticks, but they were similar to the ones I used at home, so I bought them immediately.
There were also other items such as miso strainers made from bamboo, so I would like to visit again.
However, since my goal is to find the bowl of rice that is my destiny, I have no choice but to go to the flea market this time.
So, what kind of "XX autumn" Up and Down you experience this year?
See you soon!

- Article recently written by the staff (Tsukahara)
- Related article
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