SOU・SOU Diary /Staff's Diaries
"Recommended outfit for midsummer / Yuri Hiroaki"
Hello! It's Hiroaki!
It will be on sale from June 24th.Midsummer Collection"
Following on from the summer dressing video, we are introducing 6 recommended coordination patterns even in the middle of summer!
▼ Coordination introduction using midsummer products Vol.2
▼ TikTok also introduces it in a short video!
@sousoukyototwhk Watch on TikTok## One week outfit ## One week piercing ## Boarding ## Coordination ## Summer outfit ## Fashionable ## outfit ## sousou
♬ Renai Circulation (English Cover) [TV Size] --Lizz Robinett
I would appreciate it if you could use it as a reference for coordination.
The sun is still shining brightly, but I hope to get through the summer feeling Cool by wearing SOU・SOU 's new items!

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