SOU・SOU Diary /Staff's Diaries
“Kazuke Cat and Kisaragi / Nana Niimi”
I like cats, so when I meet them on the roadside, I talk to them.
Of course, there are many things that do not respond,
Cat lovers, no matter how cats are salt-friendly
There is no problem because it is under the curse that looks cute.
I met a cute cat the other day, so I took a picture.
A cat standing still in a warm place such as a cold winter or the sun
It is called "Kajineko" and is used in the winter season of haiku.
And this month's One Picture a Day theme is "Cat".
Every day, postcards with cats are updated.
Various touches / expressions ‥ There are many unique cats
It is fun to find your favorite postcard.
In addition, this month's new animal Pattern is a cat.
CurrentlyTabi Socks・HandkerchiefIs on sale.
Nowadays"Black Split Toe Tabi Sneaker / Holding Together"Coordinate with a pair of Tabi Socks
I enjoy my boom.
Split Toe Tabi Sneaker A cute peeping cat looks at me many times.
There are days when the cold is severe, but if you spend a cat-like February
Spring seems to be coming in no time.
Before the full-scale spring comes ...
Pre-order for spring Kikoromo will be available on the online shop from 10am today.
Please do not miss it!
This winter with SOU・SOU cats.
I'm already excited to Excitement about how I'll spend this spring with the cats at SOU・SOU.

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After seeing Mitsuaki Iwago's photo albums and programs, I am curious about the cuteness and mischievous side of the cat. The cat in me is "Garfield". It's a fat sloth that catches things ironically, but for some reason I can't hate it. My favorite is lasagna. This was the trigger.
Your theme this year is animals. While enjoying what kind of lineup it is, I would like to spend even more refinement on animal observation.
Mr. Toshin
Thank you for your comment.
I am also a big fan of Iwago!
Cats make me think again that they are attractive creatures.
Garfield is also cute.
March animals will be available soon.
Continuing with the "Animal Pattern"
We hope you will enjoy it!