March 15, 2020 Saturday issue
"Camellia 2020"
Camellia flowers have many different expressions
Show me
The tension of the beginning of blooming
The embarrassment when it opens a little
Hidden Appearance
The splendor of the flowers when they bloom
And then, after blooming,
The determination to fall with the flowers
One of my favourite flowers
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Camellia (2020, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Camellia flowers show
a variety of expressions.
The excitement as they begin to bloom.
The shyness and mystery
of a half-open bud.
The gorgeous beauty of full bloom.
And then, the quiet resolve
of falling gracefully, still intact.
It is one of my favorite flowers.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Camélias (2020 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Les fleurs de camélias nous montrent
de nombreuses expressions différentes:
La tension au début de sa floraison.
La timidité quand elle s'ouvre un peu.
Le glamour pendant l'anthèse.
Et la résolution de tomber quand elle finit de fleurir.
C'est une de mes fleurs préférées.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Camellia (2020, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Camellia flower exhibition reveals various charms
Pre-blooming tension
Slight blooming momentary shame and sense of divinity
The beauty of full bloom
After the release, I was depressed for an hour.
This is one of my favorite flowers.
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Wednesday, March 12, 2020
"Walkway 2019"
Walkway every morning
My eyes are drawn to a roadside flower that I see casually
Tiny Flowers of their own accord
The flowers are blooming beautifully.
These are flowers whose names I don't know
Each one is cute and adorable
This is also one of the joys of walking.
Has become
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Walkway (2019, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Every morning on my walk,
a casual glance at the roadside flowers catches my eye.
The little flowers bloom in all their glory.
Though I don't even know their names,
each one is lovely and adorable.
It has become one of the pleasures
of my stroll.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Sentier de promenade (2019 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Sur le sentier que j'emprunte tous les matins,
je m'arrête pour regarder les fleurs sur le bord du chemin.
Des petites fleurs dans toute leur splendeur.
Elles s'épanouissent toutes à leur manière.
Je ne connais pas leur nom, mais
elles sont chacune mignonnes et charmantes.
C'est l'un des plaisirs que je ressens en marchant.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Walking Path (2019, Katsuji Wakisaka)
I'm walking every day early in the morning
An unexpected glance, a roadside flower attracting my attention
Small and small flower gardens, each type of flower garden
The different postures are displayed
However, the beauty of the forsythia is unknown.
Every hour is cute and cute
One of the pleasures of completing my journey
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Saturday, March 8, 2020
"Storm 2024"
Vertically, horizontally and diagonally
Blowing wind, pouring rain
Involving everything on earth
Raging Storm
I feel trapped and suffocated
Even if you resist, it will be easily defeated.
Blown away
Let's wait until the storm calms down
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Storm (2024, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Straight, slanted, upwards.
Strong wind, pouring rain.
The storm rages, swirling up everything in its wake.
It feels suffocating to be trapped inside
but you will be blown away in an instant if you confront.
Let's wait until the storm subsides.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Ouragan (2024 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Des vents violents venant de tous les sens,
des pluies torrentielles.
Tout ce qui est sur terre est englouti
dans cette tempête déchaînée.
Pris au piège et étouffés,
même en résistant, nous serions emportés en un battement de cil.
Attendons que la tourmente soit derrière nous.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Mad Wind and Rain (2024, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Direct impact, Horizontal sweep, Diagonal cut
A raging wind and a torrential downpour
The whole of the earth, east and west, is upended
Raging Storm
I'm in trouble, I can't breathe anymore
Immediately the envoy was blown away and the meeting was blown away.
I am waiting for the storm and the storm to calm down.
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Wednesday, March 5, 2020
"Antiquity 2020"

It's a common shape
Pattern evokes something from the past
It seems to have some history
The atmosphere is also coming through
From unconscious memory
Is it something that has emerged?
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Antiquity (2020, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Although it appears to be a kind of shape that is often seen,
this pattern evokes something from the past.
It also exudes a somehow historic atmosphere.
I wonder if it is something emerged from the unconscious memory?
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Temps passés (2020, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Cela ressemble à un motif que l'on voit souvent,
mais qui évoque quelque chose du passé.
Il semble quelque part avoir une longue histoire.
On y ressent aussi une certaine atmosphère.
Serait-ce quelque chose ayant émergé
de ma mémoire inconsciente?
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Old days (2020, Katsuji Wakisaka)
However, this is a common appearance.
The human impression is that it resembles the pattern of a certain species from ancient times.
Reminiscent of profound history
Scattered past atmosphere
Is it wrong? Is there a problem that appears in my conscious memory?
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Saturday, March 1, 2020
"Full Bloom 2024"
A flower in full bloom
Blooming to the fullest
Competing like fireworks
They overlap to express beauty.
The overlapping parts are
The colors all blend together
This is also beautiful
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Full Bloom (2024, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
The flowers in full bloom
blossom with all their might.
Like fireworks, they compete with one another,
overlapping to express their beauty.
Where they intertwine,
their colors blend together,
creating yet another kind of beauty.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Pleine floraison (2024 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Les fleurs en pleine floraison
s'épanouissent pleinement.
Elles rivalisent les unes avec les autres
en exprimant leur beauté
comme des feux d'artifice.
Les différentes parties et
les couleurs de chacune se mélangent,
et c'est aussi très beau.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Bloom (2024, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Blooming flowers
Efforts and efforts
Image of fireworks, strange and fascinating battle
The beauty of layers revealed
Various discoloration, significant areas with heavy yellowing
Also very gorgeous
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

February 26, 2020 Wednesday issue
"Flower Grove 2015"
Big flower Small flower
Round Flower Square Flower
Various flowers like a tree
Standing in a row
It seems like I'm calling out "here, here, here"
Each one is unique and rich
How lovely the flowers are
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Flower Grove (2015, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Big flower, small flowers
Round flowers, square flowers
Different flowers are lining up like trees
as if saying "I'm here! Here!"
Each and every one is full of individuality and lush
How pretty flowers are
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Bosquets de fleurs (2015 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Grandes et petites fleurs,
bien rondes ou bien carrées.
Diverses fleurs en rang d’oignons telles des arbres.
Elles semblent m'appeler : « Par ici, par ici! ».
Chacune est unique et riche.
Ne sont-elles pas magnifiques?
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Flower Grove (2015, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Big Flowers Small Flowers
Round Flower Square Flower
Different flowers and trees
I am here, I am under my feet, I am under my feet.
Each has its own unique personality and is densely packed.
Hanako is very beautiful
| Chinese: Fu 蕊雯 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

February 22, 2020 Saturday issue
"Toy Block Houses 2022"
A house made of stacked Building Blocks
While leaning on each other
It keeps increasing
It became like a small village.
The size and shape vary slightly
Each one with their own thoughts
It piled up
A heartwarming and fun pattern
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Toy Block Houses (2022, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Houses made of building blocks
stand side by side,
growing little by little,
forming a small village.
Though their sizes and shapes vary,
each one is built with care and thought.
A cheerful motif that brings a smile.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Maison en cubes (2022 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Une maison faite de blocs de bois empilés,
appuyés les uns sur les autres.
Leur nombre ne cessait de croître,
de sorte que l'endroit ait atteint les dimensions d'un petit village.
Chaque taille et chaque forme est un peu différente,
mais chacune avec ses propres pensées
superposées les unes sur les autres
Un motif charmant et joyeux.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Building block house (2022, Katsuji Wakisaka)
House of stacking wood
Mutually supporting each other
The number of rooms gradually increased
Formed a small village
The size and shape of the quiet family are slightly different.
A single capital is a pile of caution.
A picture that makes everyone smile and feel happy
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

January 31, 2020 Friday issue
"Somehow 2022"

It Somehow looks like a flower
It Somehow feels like a human.
It looks like anything Somehow
Mysterious shape
The elusive form
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Delicate (2022, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Somehow they looks like flowers
Somehow they also appear like human beings
Somehow they look like anything
Mysterious shapes
Somehow in an elusive shape
| English translation by Lala Fu |
D'une certaine manière (2022, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
D'une certaine manière, cela ressemble à une fleur.
D'une certaine manière, cela ressemble à une personne
D'une certaine manière, cela ressemble à tout et n'importe quoi.
Une forme mystérieuse, déconcertante.
Une forme insaisissable, d'une manière ou d'une autre.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
What to do (2022, Katsuji Wakisaka)
I don't know what to do, but I see the flowers
I don't know what the person is who also has a feeling
What is the statue? What is the east and west?
Mysterious Shape
Difficult to grasp the shape
I don't know what to do
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

December 27, 2024 Friday issue
"Soso 2008 Heisei"

Each motif is
It's a geometric thing
When you line them up, they look like a flower pattern.
It's not glamorous, but
There is a pure beauty
There is also a simple cuteness
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Delicate (2008, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Each individual motif is geometic,
but they look like a floral pattern
when they are put together.
Though not a gorgeous one,
it is neat and beautiful
and also exudes a rustic cuteness.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Délicatesse (2008, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Chaque motif est
géométrique mais
lorsqu'on les assemble,
on a l'impression d'un motif floral.
Bien que ce ne soit pas d'un grand éclat,
on y ressent une beauté soignée
ainsi qu'une esthétique rustique.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Soso (2008, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Each drawing
Everything is a geometric diagram
Exclusion after the birth of the flower statue
However, it is surprisingly Gorgeous
However, the beauty of the scattered and neat
It's also kind of cute
| Chinese: Fu 蕊雯 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

2024 issue
"Zodiac Snake Reiwa 7"
About the Year of the Snake
There are Multicolored things being said
One of them
Because snakes shed their skin
It means resurrection and rebirth
It's a year when new things begin
It is said
With determination and courage
A year to take a new step
I would like to do that.
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Snake (2025, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
There are many sayings about the year of snake.
Among them, it is sad snake shreds its skin
so it bears the meaning of resurrection and rebirth,
symbolizing a year of new beginnings.
It will be a year that we want to take a new step forward
with determination and courage.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Le Serpent - Astrologie chinoise (2025 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
On dit maintes choses à propos de l'année du serpent.
L'une d'entre elles est la suivante:
lorsque le serpent perd sa peau,
cela symbolise la renaissance et le recommencement.
On parle d'une année de nouveaux départs,
qui donne la détermination et le courage
pour franchir ces étapes inédites.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Portrait of a Snake (2025, Katsuji Wakisaka)
About Year of the Snake
There are various types of theories
Among them, one is
Because the snake sheds its skin
Therefore, it was recognized
The connotation of resurrection and rebirth
This is a new year of conformity.
With determination and courage
A year of stepping onto new heights
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Friday, November 29, 2024 issue
"Blacksmith in the Village 2021"

"The sound of hammering without a moment's rest"
A cute Blacksmith in the Village song that begins with
Hammering the hot iron
Farm tools and other things
The blacksmith who made it
Such a blacksmith
Floral Pattern I worked so hard on
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Blacksmith in the Village (2021, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
The lyric of the lovely song "Blacksmith in the Village" starts with
"A hammering sound that keeps going".
The blacksmith hit the iron when it was red hot
to make farming tools or others.
Such a blacksmith created this floral pattern.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Le forgeron du village (2021, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Avec « le son du marteau résonnant perpétuellement »
débute une jolie ritournelle sur le ferronnier
qui frappe le fer chauffé avec son marteau
afin de fabriquer des outils et toutes sortes de choses.
C’est un tel artisan qui a réalisé avec le plus grand soin
ce motif floral.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Murakami Ironworks (2021, Katsuji Wakisaka)
"The iron and the sound are unconnected"
Cute nursery rhyme ``Murasho no Iron Master''
Hammer for hammering and firing iron for ironsmiths
Manufacture and production of agricultural tools, East and West
An individual flower plan created through the efforts of an iron craftsman
| Chinese: Fu 蕊雯 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Sunday 2024
"Moko 2023"

Fluffy cotton candy of all sizes
A shape like this is floating
Up and Down a flower?
I don't know what it is, but it's vague.
Relaxed and free pattern
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Fluffy (2023, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Fluffy shapes reminiscent of
big and small marshmallows are floating.
Flowers? Maybe. Maybe not.
I don't know what it is. It is an ambiguous,
relaxing and free pattern.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Cotonneux (2023, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Des formes ressemblant à de grandes et petites barbes à papa,
flottent dans l'air.
Seraient-ce des fleurs?
Je n’en ai aucune idée, mais il s’agit là
d’ambigus motifs décontractés et libres.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Cotton (2023, Katsuji Wakisaka)
輕輕soft and soft, large and small cotton flower sugar general
The form is floating
Maybe flowers?
I don't know what it is, it's vague
A simple and free design
| Chinese: Fu 蕊雯 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

September 28, 2024 Saturday issue

Through gaps in fabric, etc.
If you look through it,
Things you see every day start to look different
Not being able to see clearly
My imagination is inflated
Scenery seen through blinds
Fantastic beauty
Bring it out
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Seeing Through (2017, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Through the spaces of fabrics or other materials,
what you always see will look different.
Imagination stretches because
things cannot be clearly seen.
The scenery seen through the bamboo screen or others
creates a magical beauty.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Filigrane (2017, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Nous voyons les choses différemment
lorsqu'on les regarde au travers
d'un tissu ou d'un tout autre matériau.
En étant incapable de voir clairement,
l'imagination se développe.
Un paysage, vu depuis l'arrière
d'un écran de bambou,
peut nous apparaître d'une irréelle beauté.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Clairvoyance (2017, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Perforated fabric type gap sewing space
Discrepancies between the East and the West in normal times
Because I can't see clearly
Stretching your imagination
The scenery that can be seen between the bamboo blinds
A kind of fantastic beauty
| Chinese: Fu 蕊雯 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

September 21, 2024 Saturday issue
"Japanese Warrior Shippō 2015"
There is Family Crest called Shippo.
The Family Crest is designed in Pattern that suits the general's taste.
Decorated and connected
In this way, simply and continuously
The following Pattern is
It has been loved and cherished by people.
Something like Textile design
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Japanese Warrior Shippō (2015, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
There is a crest called Shippō.
This crest is decorated with patterns favored by Japanese warriors
and connected in a continuous design.
Patterns that are repeated successively in this simple way
have been loved and familiar to the people.
It is one of the textile design-like patterns.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Émail du guerrier (2015 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Il existe un style d'armoiries appelé “Émail”.
Cet emblème familial est décoré des motifs
préférés du guerrier et tous sont reliés entre eux.
De cette façon, il se transmet
de générations en générations et
continue à être apprécié par les gens.
Un point commun qu’il partage avec
les designs textiles.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Musha Seven Treasures (2015, Katsuji Wakisaka)
One-of-a-kind Family Crest named Seven Treasures,
Family Crest is decorated with a crest similar to that of a military commander.
Connected together side by side.
A continuation of the image of a simple plot of land,
As soon as the person receives the love, the person gradually learns and matures.
This is one of the designs of this statue.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

September 14, 2024 Saturday issue
"Tenmoku 2023"
It was made in China a long time ago.
Tenmoku tea bowl
Among them, it is considered the highest
Yohen Tenmoku is used all over the world
There are only four, all in Japan.
Like peering into the sparkling universe
The beauty of the eternal world is expressed
Textile design that captures that atmosphere
Reproduced with
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Tenmoku (2023, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Tenmoku teabowls were made in China in the past.
In the world, there are only four pieces of Yohen Tenmoku,
which are regarded as the highest grade of Tenmoku,
and all of them are in Japan.
As if peeking into a sparkling universe,
it expresses the beauty of an eternal world.
Such an atmosphere is recreated by textile design.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Tenmoku (2023 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Fabriqué dans la Chine des temps anciens,
les bols à thé de type Tenmoku
sont considérés comme les plus fins de tous.
Il n'en existe plus que quatre dans le monde entier
et ils se trouvent tous au Japon.
Cette technique nous offre un tel rendu,
comme un regard sur l'univers étincelant.
La beauté du monde éternel s'y exprime.
J'ai voulu reproduire ce ressenti dans mon design.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Tenmoku (2023, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Creative Tenmoku tea bowl from China,
The greatest masterpiece of all time, Tenmoku.
There are only 4 in the world, and they are located in Japan.
To the beauty of the universe,
Exhibition of eternal beauty,
This is a new reproduction of the design pattern.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

September 13, 2024 Friday issue
"Excitement 2023"

When do people Excitement?
When there's something happy
that caught your heart?
Imagine and dream about
the unforeseen future?
It would be great
to live everyday with excitement.
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Excitement (2023, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
When do people get excited?
When there's something happy that caught your heart?
Imagine and dream about the unforeseen future?
It would be great to live everyday with excitement.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Enthousiasme (2023, par Katsuji Wakisaka)
À quel moment les gens s'enthousiasment-ils?
Quand il s'agit de quelque chose de joyeux
qui met votre coeur en émoi?
Imaginer un avenir que nous ne connaissons pas?
Quel bonheur de pouvoir vivre
chaque jour avec enthousiasme.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Excitement (2023, Katsuji Wakisaka)
When there are people around, I feel excited.
The story of the arrival of a Japanese sparrow
Imaginary work, unknown future, dreamy times
Exciting emotional state written by Nyoka Nōhō every day
Very good too
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

"Kumodori with Chrysanthemum 2024"
Chrysanthemum flowers stretching into the sky
Leisurely floating clouds
The Japanese atmosphere of Kimono
The world of chrysanthemums that I was fascinated by
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Kumodori with Chrysanthemum (2024, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Chrysanthemum flowers stretching across the big sky.
Clouds floating peacefully.
A world of chrysanthemum painted
with a fascination for the Japanese sentiment of kimono.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Chrysanthèmes et nuages (2024 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Des fleurs de chrysanthèmes s'étirant dans le ciel.
Une euphorie de nuages flottants.
Le charme tout japonais du kimono
m'a toujours fasciné et
a influencé ma version du monde de ces fleurs.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Cloud-Patterned Chrysanthemum (2024, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Chrysanthemums stretching out in the sky,
Leisurely and carefree clouds,
This is a Japanese information center that is developed in Japanese clothes.
The illustrated world of chrysanthemums.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

September 7, 2024 Saturday issue
"Fenced Chrysanthemum-Recreation 2024"
On a fence made of woven bamboo
Copy of a Kosode Kimono pattern with blooming chrysanthemums
The pattern on Kimono
Something cool and surprising
A lot
This pattern too
Even now, the newness and beauty
It's a wonderful thing to feel
I was Excitement while drawing.
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Fenced Chrysanthemum-Recreation (2024, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
This is a recreation of a pattern of small kimono sleeves,
where chrysanthemum blossoms among a bamboo fence.
There are many chic and amazing kimono patterns.
Even when seen today,
this pattern is also a wonderful creation of newness and beauty,
so I felt excited when I was drawing it.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Enceinte rectangulaire avec motif chrysanthème (2024 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Des chrysanthèmes fleurissent
sur une haie de bambous tressés.
Il existe de nombreux modèles chics et inspirants
parmi les motifs de kimonos.
Celui-ci en fait partie.
Même en le regardant maintenant,
une merveilleuse impression
de nouveauté et de beauté s’en dégage.
Un frisson de plaisir m'a parcouru en le dessinant.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Reproduction of the chrysanthemum plan (2024, Katsuji Wakisaka)
This is a reproduction of a Kosode Kimono kimono pattern,
Chrysanthemum flowers in full bloom on a bamboo basket.
A detailed drawing of Japanese clothing,
The envoy is currently here,
Returning to a sense of ability and creating a sense of Japanese beauty.
When I drew the story of Ichibe, the emotions and feelings reached me at an unparalleled leap.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

"Decorative Flowers 2023"
Flowers of various shapes
In line
The flower has dots
It looks like a pattern.
A certain atmosphere was born
It's somewhat reminiscent of a chintz pattern.
Decorative floral pattern
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Decorative Flowers (2023, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Different shapes of flowers are lining up.
By putting dots to these flowers, they became a pattern,
creating a certain atmosphere.
A decorative floral pattern somewhat reminiscent of a chintz pattern.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Décoration florale (2023 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Des fleurs de différentes formes
sont alignées en rangées.
En les disséminant,
un certain air se dégage.
Un design floral décoratif qui rappelle
un peu les motifs de chintz.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Flower decoration (2023, Katsuji Wakisaka)
A variety of different flowers are created,
At the joining point,
A pattern of gradual development,
Extremely creative and unique design.
A decorative flower pattern with a marked chintz pattern.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

Saturday, August 31 2024
"Oboro 2023"
It's a vague pattern.
It is made by overlapping colors.
It's fun
A vague feeling
A pattern
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Vague (2023, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Although it is an obscure pattern,
it is fun to create things by putting colors on colors.
An abstract but atmospheric pattern.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Brume (2023 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Un motif vague dans lequel
les couleurs se chevauchent.
Il y a un sens de l'amusement.
Un motif flou plein de vie.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
The Secret (2023, Katsuji Wakisaka)
This is a paper pattern
However, the colors intersect and form
Filling hobby
In the haze, the atmosphere is quite
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
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