One day story / Small talks from SOU · SOU Producer Takeshi Wakabayashi
"SOU・SOU Yousou. 4th Anniversary"
Thanks to you, on Monday, March 31st
SOU・SOU Yousou. is celebrating its 4th anniversary.
ささやかではございますが、3/31(月) ~ 4/1(火)の期間中、SOU・SOU Yousou.にご来店下さったお客様に刺繍シールをランダムで2点進呈します。
Wearing Yousou. products or purchasing Yousou. products.
Then, please tell the staff, "Yousou. 4th anniversary!"
We are waiting for everyone's visit!
SOU・SOU Yousou.のみの開催です。
Please acknowledge it.
See you tomorrow!
[Today's secret word]
"Yousou. 4th Anniversary"
・ If you say [Today's secret word] at the time of payment at the store, you will receive 1 point.
(It is presented only 1 point a day)
・Please note that the secret word changes every day.
・ The service is available only at our retail shops.
Please be advised.

- Producer Wakabayashi recently wrote an article
- Related article
Shopping Guide
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578-1 Nakanocho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto,Japan 604-8042, 3F
SOU · SOU netshop