One day story / Small talks from SOU · SOU Producer Takeshi Wakabayashi
The free booklet "SOU・SOU News" will be temporarily suspended.
Starting in May, I would like to distribute original SOU・SOU SOU・SOU SOU Monthly Illustration (Tsukinamie).
Now is the preparation period.
That's why we are distributing this SOU・SOU booklet.
Actually, it's something I made a long time ago.
"SOU・SOU Gifts," "SOU・SOU Yousou." "SOU・SOU Yousou. AOYAMASHOP," and "SOU・SOU deportare" were not available yet.
Fukuda was young
My glasses have clear lenses.
Well, I hope you enjoy that aspect of it.
See you tomorrow!
[Today's secret word]
"Suspended publication"
・ If you say [Today's secret word] at the time of payment at the store, you will receive 1 point.
(It is presented only 1 point a day)
・Please note that the secret word changes every day.
・ The service is available only at our retail shops.
Please be advised.

- Producer Wakabayashi recently wrote an article
- Related article
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