Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
"Dianthus 2014"
The chintz pattern has been loved by people since ancient times.
Has been loved and cherished
Such is the charm of the dianthus flower
Please enjoy it together
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Dianthus (2014, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Chintz patterns have been loved and familiar to people
since ancient times.
Please enjoy their charm,
accentuated by the presence of dianthus.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Oeillet de Chine (2014 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Les motifs floraux calico sont appréciés et chéris
par les populations depuis les temps anciens.
Goûtez au charme de ces formes d'oeillets.
| Traduction française par JB & B |
Dianthus (2014, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Author's exotic pattern pattern
Since ancient times, people have been happy, loved, and matured.
Please join us for the dianthus flower
Come and enjoy its charm!
| Translated by Zhang Qiling |
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