Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
Celebration and gifts
The decoration that is added is called "noshi"
But originally it represented longevity.
Thinly peel the abalone meat.
Stretched and dried
Noshi abalone was used
Only the word "noshi" remains.
Still in use today
As a pattern, it is considered auspicious.
Kimono and Tairyo-bata
It was used for Multicolored of things
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Noshi (2019, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
The ornament used in celebrations or on gifts is called "noshi".
However, it was a noshi abalone,
a piece of thinly sliced, elongated dried abalone which is a symbol of longevity.
Today, only the word "noshi" remains and is still in use.
As a motif, it was also used as a celebration
on many things such as kimono and fisherman's flags.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Noshi (2019 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Les décorations qui accompagnent célébrations et
échanges de cadeaux sont appelés noshi.
Cependant, à l’origine, ce mot représentait la longévité.
L'appelation Noshiawabi était utilisée pour
nommer les fines lamelles d'ormeau séché.
Il ne reste plus que le mot ""noshi""
toujours usité de nos jours.
Il est utilisé en tant que motif sur divers objets
comme les kimonos ou bien les drapeau de pêcheurs
car il est synonyme de bons présages.
| Traduction francaise by JB&B |
Sign (2019, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Decorations for celebrations or farewells
Called Noshi (gift tag)
Originally, it symbolizes longevity.
After stretching, it is made into "wrapping abalone"
Today, the word "Noshi" is still in use.
The drawings are also used for celebration purposes.
Among different items such as Japanese clothing or Tairyo-bata
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
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