Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
"Prosperous Edo 2013"
People and cars are overflowing with subways and trains
Tokyo runs in Freely
High-rise buildings are lined up
A sky tree is made and it changes day by day
Japan's ever-developing capital
While I live in such Tokyo
Fuji Pants can be seen at random times
I decided the Olympics too
Prosperous Edo
Flowering as Tokyo in the world
It will continue to transform
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Prosperous Edo (2013, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Tokyo is overflowing with people and cars,
with subways and railways running in all directions.
With skyscapers packed together and Tokyo Skytree is being built,
the capital of Japan has continued to evolve and develop.
While living in such a place like Tokyo,
Mount Fuji can be seen when you least expect it.
Being chosen to host the Olympic Games,
the prosperous Edo will probably continue to transform gorgeously
into the "World's Tokyo".
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Edo fleuri (2013 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Tokyo est une ville inondée de personnes et de voitures,
avec des métros et des chemins de fer qui circulent
dans toutes les directions.
Les gratte-ciel bordent les rues.
La tour "Skytree" est en cours de construction
et la ville se transforme jour après jour.
La capitale du Japon continue de se développer.
En vivant dans un tel Tokyo,
on peut apercevoir par moment le mont Fuji.
Les Jeux olympiques vont y être organisés.
La ville fleurie d'Edo va être transformée en la "Tokyo du monde".
| Traduction francaise by JB&B |
Kato Eki (2013, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Tokyo Kore Ichiza Kuruma Mizuma Ryu
Railway Four Streets Badal City
Skyscraper Tower Kushihironji
Kensei Harezora Toya Junri
Japanese Capital Sunshine Moon Different and Continuous Evolution
life here
Fuji Pants
After the decision-making ceremony, a brocade-like riverbed
Changing my body and creating a world-famous Tokyo
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
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