Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
"Shapes of Flowers 2020"
Draw the paper as if it were cut into a flower shape.
Interesting like negatives and positives
The rhythm comes out through the way you take the pauses.
Creates simple but fun patterns
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Shapes of Flowers (2020, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
Drawing motifs like paper cutting flowers.
It is like playing with negatives and positives,
and creating rhythms with empty spaces.
Simple, but it creates fun motifs.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Forms de fleurs (2020 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Dessiner une forme de fleur comme pour la découper sur du papier.
L'intérêt du positif, négatif
Donne un rythme dans la façon de faire les pauses.
Un motif simple mais amusant être créé.
| Traduction francaise by JB&B |
Shapes of Flowers (2020, Katsuji Wakisaka)
General drawing of paper cut flowers
Change similar base piece positive piece sum negative piece interesting effect
Transparent white method with a sense of harmony
A simple and interesting plan completed.
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
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