Textile design /Introducing SOU・SOU Original Textile designs
"Blade 2020"
By the swordsmith, with all his heart and soul
the blade made
Not only is it sharp, but it is also more beautiful.
They competed in their skills to create something unique.
The artistic sensibilities of Japanese craftsmen
The height is conveyed
Also, the blade is visible on the surface of the sword.
It also refers to the wavy Pattern.
(Katsuji Wakisaka)
Yaiba/ Blade (2020, by Katsuji Wakisaka)
According to knife craftsmen, working on a knife with all the soul does
not only result in sharp cutting edges,
but it is also a competition between craftsmen in the pursuit of
making more beautiful and authentic knives.
It expresses the high level of artistic sensibility of the craftsmen in Japan.
Besides, the word "yaiba" also means the wavy pattern
which can be seen from the sides of the blade.
| English translation by Lala Fu |
Lame (2020 par Katsuji Wakisaka)
Pour le forgeron, dans une lame qui est fabriquée
en y mettant tout son coeur,
Il ya bien sûr le tranchant, mais aussi la beauté.
Chaque artisan rivals
pour créer quelque chose d'unique.
Ils y transmettent leur grande sensibilité artistique.
De plus, les stries visibles en forme d'ondes
Sur le côté de la lame du sabre ont également une signification.
| Traduction francaise by JB&B |
Blade (2020, Katsuji Wakisaka)
Yukaku Sword Master Injected Spirit Spirit Possession
forged sword blade
The beauty of seeking power and beauty
Mutual comparison amount based on the manufacturer's existing technology
A unique work of art
Expressive Japanese craftsman with high artistic sensibility
Outside of this, a waveform diagram of the surface of the representative sword sword
| Translation: 莊 幃婷 |
→This Textile design product
(Textile products with this pattern)

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